Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Smit's Contour: Stylized

Some major successes that I had while encountering this project was being able to use the pen tool to the best of my abilities.  I was able to curve with the pen tool and that is big for me because it was a challenge for me in some of the images in the pen game. Another success was the text. Once I found out that I could use text it was much easier to do than the pen tool.

Some major challenges that I had while encountering this project was the zig-zag part of the tool.  It took a really long time to do it and to make sure that I got a good amount of the different parts.  Another challenge I had was I connected some lines that I wanted up to not be grouped together.  I did find out how to ungroup them, but it was very stressful when I did not know how.

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