Monday, September 28, 2015

Smit's Logo Concept Sketches

These are the sketches that I did with my initials.  The three that I picked were 1, 6, 15.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Smit's Logos

This logo was selected because of the coloring and then the image goes very well with what the company is with Double Vision. It is very unique.
This logo does a really good job with the coloring and how it will also not only get adult attention but also children's as well that is why I selected it.

I selected this logo because you can either look at it as a bird or you can see it as a lion's face. I like how you can see both! Really cool idea.

I selected this logo because it is simple, but then it also brings some science knowledge into it as well with the "Br" and "Ba."

I chose this logo because I thought that it was a really cool idea that the word "bison" is in the shape of a bison.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Smit's Contour: Stylized

Some major successes that I had while encountering this project was being able to use the pen tool to the best of my abilities.  I was able to curve with the pen tool and that is big for me because it was a challenge for me in some of the images in the pen game. Another success was the text. Once I found out that I could use text it was much easier to do than the pen tool.

Some major challenges that I had while encountering this project was the zig-zag part of the tool.  It took a really long time to do it and to make sure that I got a good amount of the different parts.  Another challenge I had was I connected some lines that I wanted up to not be grouped together.  I did find out how to ungroup them, but it was very stressful when I did not know how.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Smit's progress on Tool

This is the tool that I choose for the project.

This was the progress that I did for the first day of class. This things that I had some trouble with was the zig-zag parts of the tool. It was really fun to work with adobe illustrator.

This was the progress after the second day and I am proud with how it turned out. I was able to find out that there were some easier ways to use the pen tool, but I like how it looks and I am excited to use the advise that I was given today. I am excited for what is next to come!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Jenny Smit Blog 1: Inspired By Design

The reason that I chose this work is that it surprises me how drawing a picture on flat surface can actually look so real when you add height to the view. I love looking these kinds of pictures and seeing all of the different creations around the world. I want to someday be able to see this type of work in real life and maybe also be able to draw something similar in the future for class or even just for some fun.

This picture is being shown with height and you can tell it does not look like the gummy bears are flat on the ground. They look like they are real life and actually sitting and laying on the sidewalk.

This picture is being shown from the ground that the gummy bears are on. The gummy bears look much skewed, but they have very good details. From the ground it can be hard to see what they actually are.

This picture is showing all of the gummy bears that were drawn and how the people around them also make the gummy bears look so real. It is crazy to see how the gummy bears look like they are actually on the sidewalk.
Artist: Leon Keer