Monday, December 14, 2015

Smit's Final Project!!

Smit's Last Gif

This is my last Gif.  I did not know how it was going to turn out and I was nervous when I saw all of the layers that I had to use.  I had to cut out all of the photos of Forrest in every scene and then I wanted the backgrounds to be different because they are all different.  I didn't exactly know how to do that but I just selected the layers that I wanted the background for and then I tweened them and it worked out!!  This was such a fun project and I am happy how it turned out!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Smit's Last Gif Progress

This is the progress of my last gif and I am using three scenes from the movie and they are the football scene, war scene, and when he goes on the long run.  They are all of him running.  As you can see from the side there are a lot of layers and I am excited to see how it will look at the end.  I am also nervous because I don't know how it is going to look with jumping from one scene to another.  We will see though

Monday, December 7, 2015

Smit's Fourth Gif

This is my fourth gif and this one was a lot harder than the first one that Little Jenny because I used the liquify button and the mouth was so hard because it would be working and then it would not work very well.  I do like how it does look like she is screaming "Run Forrest Run!" but it does look a little silly.  I used photoshop for the mouth moving and then I used Illustrator for the text bubble.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Smit's Third Gif

This is my third Gif.  How I got this was that I did the same steps as I did with Little Forrest Gump running.  This one is different though due to the fact that he is turning his head.  I think that this turned out really well and I cannot wait to see the final project

Monday, November 30, 2015

Smit's Progress on 3rd Gif

This is my third gif for my final project.  I am doing the same thing that I did with the little forrest running scene.  I am cutting out all of the images from the scene and I am cutting and pasting them and then later on I will be able to put a background in and then I will be able to make it look like he is running through a scenery and it will look really cool.

Smit's Second Gif

This is my second gif for my final project. With this Gif I had to cut out all of the images of Little Forrest running and then I made the background really big and I used Photoshop to make the background move and then having the images of Forrest running.  I really like this one a lot!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Smit's Progress On Little Forrest Running Gif

 This is part of a movie clip of Little Forrest Running.  I took the shots and I put them in layers.  While it is still in the layers I am cutting out all of the shots of Forrest running and I am putting it in a different Photoshop Layout.
This is the layout that I am putting all of the cut images of Forrest Running.  After I am done cutting out all of the pictures I am going to put in a background and have the background moving, that way Forrest will look like he is running forward.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Smit's Progress on Final

This is the first day of working on the final.  This is the rough draft of the final and I do enjoy it, but some of the different ways that the mouth is moving does not make me the happiest.  I do think that it does look like she is saying, "Run Forrest Run."  I am going to keep working on it, but this is what I did for today!

This is the picture that I was working on throughout the day.  I used photoshop with the picture of Little Jenny and moving her mouth and then I used illustrator for the text bubble.

Smit's Final Proposal

This is my Final Proposal.  I am going to be doing scenes from the movie Forrest Gump.  My project is going to be Gif's and the first one I am going to use Jenny as a little girl yelling at Forrest to run.  My second gif is going to be little Forrest running.  Third gif is going to be older Forrest running like a transformation to young to old.  Fourth gif is going to be older Jenny yelling at Forrest to run.  My final gif is going to be all of the scenes that Forrest is running such as the football game, him just running for that long period of time, and then him at war.  For this final I am going to be using both Adobe Photoshop and also Adobe Illustrator.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Smit's MadLib

My sentence is, "The heroic politician was eating a roast beef sandwich while diving into a playground."

I used super man's body and President Barack Obama's head and made him eat a roast beef sandwich and he is diving into the playground where kids are playing. I did all of this in Adobe Photoshop.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Smit's MadLib Sentence

My MadLib sentence is:

The heroic politician was eating a roast beef sandwich while diving into a playground.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Smit's Photoshop Sandbox

In this picture, I was just experimenting in Photoshop and I used the following tools: smudge tool for the girls dress, gradient for the background, clone tool for the two trees, paint brushes, different types of paint brushes (leaves, grass), burn tool in the trees where it is dark, and the smudge tool in the girls hair.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Smit's 9 Iterations of Initial Logo

                                                    Iteration Experiments

Monday, October 12, 2015

Smit's Progress #4

This is my final drawing. I am happy with it, but I wish I would have maybe done somethings differently.  I wanted to fill it in, but I was not able to figure out how, even after looking it up online. Some of the lines as well do not look the best, by joining them they made weird shapes, and I did not know how to figure out how to get it. But over all it does not look bad. I am happy with where it is at.

Smit's Progress #3

This is my progress on my logo. I am starting to get rid of the fish figure, but as you can see I am having a hard time doing that. I am getting really frustrated, but I think I can do it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Smit's Logo Process Continue

This is the next progress on my logo. I am now cutting out the out line so it is just the letters that you will see. It is getting really frustrating because some of the lines will not let me cut and there is one line that I do not know where it came from. I will keep working on it and hopefully I will get it too look good!

Smit's Process on Logo

This is my first process with my logo. Some things that I like about it is that it looks smooth, but one thing that I do not like that much is my "B." It looks too big compared to the other letters and I am going to have to work on it. I am starting to become fast with the shortcuts where I barely have to look at the keypad or look at the tool bar with my mouse. I am hoping to clean it up better so all the letters can be close to the same size.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Smit's Initial Logo Process

These are my 9 sketches and I am choosing to do A2. It was a hard decision, but I thought that one would be very interesting to do.

This is my geometric sketch. I am excited to start working on it and excited to see how it will turn out.

This is my first attempt on the geometric shape with my logo. It took me a while to figure out how to get everything, but I think that it turned out pretty good for my first try.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Smit's Logo Concept Sketches

These are the sketches that I did with my initials.  The three that I picked were 1, 6, 15.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Smit's Logos

This logo was selected because of the coloring and then the image goes very well with what the company is with Double Vision. It is very unique.
This logo does a really good job with the coloring and how it will also not only get adult attention but also children's as well that is why I selected it.

I selected this logo because you can either look at it as a bird or you can see it as a lion's face. I like how you can see both! Really cool idea.

I selected this logo because it is simple, but then it also brings some science knowledge into it as well with the "Br" and "Ba."

I chose this logo because I thought that it was a really cool idea that the word "bison" is in the shape of a bison.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Smit's Contour: Stylized

Some major successes that I had while encountering this project was being able to use the pen tool to the best of my abilities.  I was able to curve with the pen tool and that is big for me because it was a challenge for me in some of the images in the pen game. Another success was the text. Once I found out that I could use text it was much easier to do than the pen tool.

Some major challenges that I had while encountering this project was the zig-zag part of the tool.  It took a really long time to do it and to make sure that I got a good amount of the different parts.  Another challenge I had was I connected some lines that I wanted up to not be grouped together.  I did find out how to ungroup them, but it was very stressful when I did not know how.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Smit's progress on Tool

This is the tool that I choose for the project.

This was the progress that I did for the first day of class. This things that I had some trouble with was the zig-zag parts of the tool. It was really fun to work with adobe illustrator.

This was the progress after the second day and I am proud with how it turned out. I was able to find out that there were some easier ways to use the pen tool, but I like how it looks and I am excited to use the advise that I was given today. I am excited for what is next to come!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Jenny Smit Blog 1: Inspired By Design

The reason that I chose this work is that it surprises me how drawing a picture on flat surface can actually look so real when you add height to the view. I love looking these kinds of pictures and seeing all of the different creations around the world. I want to someday be able to see this type of work in real life and maybe also be able to draw something similar in the future for class or even just for some fun.

This picture is being shown with height and you can tell it does not look like the gummy bears are flat on the ground. They look like they are real life and actually sitting and laying on the sidewalk.

This picture is being shown from the ground that the gummy bears are on. The gummy bears look much skewed, but they have very good details. From the ground it can be hard to see what they actually are.

This picture is showing all of the gummy bears that were drawn and how the people around them also make the gummy bears look so real. It is crazy to see how the gummy bears look like they are actually on the sidewalk.
Artist: Leon Keer