Monday, October 26, 2015

Smit's Photoshop Sandbox

In this picture, I was just experimenting in Photoshop and I used the following tools: smudge tool for the girls dress, gradient for the background, clone tool for the two trees, paint brushes, different types of paint brushes (leaves, grass), burn tool in the trees where it is dark, and the smudge tool in the girls hair.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Smit's 9 Iterations of Initial Logo

                                                    Iteration Experiments

Monday, October 12, 2015

Smit's Progress #4

This is my final drawing. I am happy with it, but I wish I would have maybe done somethings differently.  I wanted to fill it in, but I was not able to figure out how, even after looking it up online. Some of the lines as well do not look the best, by joining them they made weird shapes, and I did not know how to figure out how to get it. But over all it does not look bad. I am happy with where it is at.

Smit's Progress #3

This is my progress on my logo. I am starting to get rid of the fish figure, but as you can see I am having a hard time doing that. I am getting really frustrated, but I think I can do it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Smit's Logo Process Continue

This is the next progress on my logo. I am now cutting out the out line so it is just the letters that you will see. It is getting really frustrating because some of the lines will not let me cut and there is one line that I do not know where it came from. I will keep working on it and hopefully I will get it too look good!

Smit's Process on Logo

This is my first process with my logo. Some things that I like about it is that it looks smooth, but one thing that I do not like that much is my "B." It looks too big compared to the other letters and I am going to have to work on it. I am starting to become fast with the shortcuts where I barely have to look at the keypad or look at the tool bar with my mouse. I am hoping to clean it up better so all the letters can be close to the same size.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Smit's Initial Logo Process

These are my 9 sketches and I am choosing to do A2. It was a hard decision, but I thought that one would be very interesting to do.

This is my geometric sketch. I am excited to start working on it and excited to see how it will turn out.

This is my first attempt on the geometric shape with my logo. It took me a while to figure out how to get everything, but I think that it turned out pretty good for my first try.