Monday, December 14, 2015

Smit's Final Project!!

Smit's Last Gif

This is my last Gif.  I did not know how it was going to turn out and I was nervous when I saw all of the layers that I had to use.  I had to cut out all of the photos of Forrest in every scene and then I wanted the backgrounds to be different because they are all different.  I didn't exactly know how to do that but I just selected the layers that I wanted the background for and then I tweened them and it worked out!!  This was such a fun project and I am happy how it turned out!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Smit's Last Gif Progress

This is the progress of my last gif and I am using three scenes from the movie and they are the football scene, war scene, and when he goes on the long run.  They are all of him running.  As you can see from the side there are a lot of layers and I am excited to see how it will look at the end.  I am also nervous because I don't know how it is going to look with jumping from one scene to another.  We will see though

Monday, December 7, 2015

Smit's Fourth Gif

This is my fourth gif and this one was a lot harder than the first one that Little Jenny because I used the liquify button and the mouth was so hard because it would be working and then it would not work very well.  I do like how it does look like she is screaming "Run Forrest Run!" but it does look a little silly.  I used photoshop for the mouth moving and then I used Illustrator for the text bubble.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Smit's Third Gif

This is my third Gif.  How I got this was that I did the same steps as I did with Little Forrest Gump running.  This one is different though due to the fact that he is turning his head.  I think that this turned out really well and I cannot wait to see the final project

Monday, November 30, 2015

Smit's Progress on 3rd Gif

This is my third gif for my final project.  I am doing the same thing that I did with the little forrest running scene.  I am cutting out all of the images from the scene and I am cutting and pasting them and then later on I will be able to put a background in and then I will be able to make it look like he is running through a scenery and it will look really cool.

Smit's Second Gif

This is my second gif for my final project. With this Gif I had to cut out all of the images of Little Forrest running and then I made the background really big and I used Photoshop to make the background move and then having the images of Forrest running.  I really like this one a lot!